News from Jamaica

I’m not sure if its fair to say that life in Jamaica has been the only reason that my blog has been so neglected the last six months.  But it has certainly been a significant factor.  The city is small and much of it is off limits to me, and I feel the fish bowl effect often.  My initial curiosity about the place has not been replaced, as it so many other countries, with a growing appreciation and knowledge of where I am.  The reason why is not a simple explanation, but the subject of a longer blog post for another day, perhaps.  For now, let’s just say I just haven’t made the usual connection with the place.

Glancing back at posts from other places we have lived, I’m amazed how many memories come flooding back from the smallest things and I think that in future years I will regret adding such a small Jamaican chapter here.   To break the silence I’m going to try a vehicle used by others:  A-Z.  Its a way to cover small things that remind me of Jamaica with the alphabet as my guide.  I’ll start tomorrow with A for Ackee…but in the meantime…some news…

The Foreign Service bidding season has kept us busy and we finally know where we are going next.  The news is good and we are very excited to give the following clue on where we will be living next summer:


Any guesses?!