WPC: Muse (and the language of Signs)


This week’s Weekly Photo Challenge, Muse, didn’t really resonate with me at first. Perhaps it just the “pack out state of mind” I was in?  Then I remembered how signs are such inspirations for my posts, that I have a section on this blog devoted to them.  That qualifies as a muse, right?

Located on a busy, noisy intersection with trucks that constantly block it, capturing this one was a challenge….  (the irony isn’t lost on me) …and you don’t need to speak Nepali to understand its meaning.  Whenever I had the camera in the car, I would take another stab. Twenty attempts later, I succeeded.  The motivation to capture it was all about collecting great signs in a photo– I had already cover noised pollution on the blog — so I appreciate the opportunity to use it here in quite a different way.

Here is a motley collection of signs I collected that missed their moment or mark, or covered issues already discussed, but I think deserve attention anyway:


Oh God, Please Stop the Earthquake


Its meant to convey “unique”. Why did this not quite work?


Not really a sign…but curious about the artists message!


The other KFC!

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