Good Things in Kingston: Part One

For two years in Kathmandu, taking regular exercise was a struggle with the challenges of pollution and traffic. Getting mowed over by motorcycles was a real reality. Dodging cow poo and kamikaze drivers was not my idea of a pleasant walk. Here in Kingston, the Mona reservoir has been a huge lifesaver for us. For a small annual fee, the Water Commission allows joggers and walkers to exercise on the 2 mile loop around the reservoir. We can safely walk in peace and quiet, watch the birds and enjoy the sunset. No pollution. No hassle.

The reservoir is an important source of stored water in Kingston. When we arrived it was painfully low after a two year drought. In October (late rainy season) it actually started raining and the reservoir started filling up. It was pretty dramatic to watch the water gush down from the mountains from aqueducts on both sides of reservoir. We tracked the water level every day as we made our rounds, until the last week or two when it filled up so far that the overflow has kicked in and we are now watching the water gush out into the overflow channels. This is good news. The city needs the water.


Looking out across the water at the start of our loop


I love watching the birds that hang out around the water spotting fish….


…or roost in the nearby trees. Its mainly cranes (or ibis?) . I haven’t learnt the names of local birds yet. There’s also a troop of pelicans who do dramatic and very loud splashing dives into the water. Unfortunately I don’t have the skills or the camera lens to capture them… maybe one of these days.



We are lucky to live in the Caribbean with access to so many beautiful places, but after a while it is the every day experiences that count the most.  I’m very grateful for Mona and her birds.

4 thoughts on “Good Things in Kingston: Part One

  1. The fact that your good things in Kingston need more than a Part One seems like a positive step!

    A funny story: we have a lot of those cranes (? I’m not a bird person) roosting in trees off the coast of Georgia. A visitor drove past a collection of them one evening in the waning light and was very upset that there were so many “plastic bags” stuck in all the lagoon trees. She could not believe they were birds; they were so still (sleeping?). To this day, we call those birds plastic bags, thus we do not even need to know their real species!

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